FLINT, Mich. – UPDATE as of Tuesday afternoon: According to city of Flint officials, two people have been killed in a home explosion that occurred on Monday night.
The Flint Fire Department says a 4-year-old girl, who was previously reported missing, has been found dead in the home where the explosion originated.
Another person has also been found dead; a 55-year-old woman. The fire department originally thought the body was a 70-year-old neighbor.
The total structures damaged has been raised to 30 from the 17 originally found.
Multiple houses have their utilities turned off during the investigation.
Home Depot is donating wood to help fix homes.
"This is a tragedy in our community. We must pray and wrap our arms around the families impacted. The City of Flint appreciates all of our community partners that have helped expedite our response,” Mayor Sheldon Neeley said. “We ask for sensitivity and compassion during this time. Remember, these are families, someone’s loved ones with homes destroyed.”